Challenges faced, design interations and interesting tricks
Maintaining esy
I helped them build a package manager and ship multi-platform builds
Again devtools and a core economic protocol proposal
And hopefully develop an open source template for other companies to follow.
(* .mll file *)
open Parser (* The type token is defined in parser.mli *)
rule read = parse
[' ' '\t'] { read lexbuf } (* skip blanks *)
| ['('] { LPAREN }
| [')'] { RPAREN }
(* Consuming files *)
let lexbuf = Lexing.from_string str in
Parser.main lexbuf
let lexer =
let keywords = Extension.keywords Mconfig.(config.merlin.extensions) in
Mreader_lexer.make Mconfig.(config.ocaml.warnings) keywords config source
let lexer_keywords = Mreader_lexer.keywords lexer
and lexer_errors = Mreader_lexer.errors lexer
and comments = Mreader_lexer.comments lexer
let get_tokens keywords pos text =
let state = Lexer_raw.make keywords in
let lexbuf = Lexing.from_string text in
Lexing.move lexbuf pos;
let rec aux items = function
| Lexer_raw.Return (Parser_raw.COMMENT comment) ->
continue (Comment comment :: items)
| Lexer_raw.Refill k -> aux items (k ())
| Lexer_raw.Return t ->
let triple = (t, lexbuf.Lexing.lex_start_p, lexbuf.Lexing.lex_curr_p) in
let items = Triple triple :: items in
if t = Parser_raw.EOF
then items
else continue items
| Lexer_raw.Fail (err, loc) ->
continue (Error (err, loc) :: items)
Parser.main lexbuf
let lexer =
let keywords = Extension.keywords Mconfig.(config.merlin.extensions) in
Mreader_lexer.make Mconfig.(config.ocaml.warnings) keywords config source
let parser = Mreader_parser.make Mconfig.(config.ocaml.warnings) lexer kind in
and parser_errors = Mreader_parser.errors parser
and parsetree = Mreader_parser.result parser
…more than the compiler or other batch tools.
Lacks uniform solution to create .merlin
I'm @ManasJayanth on
Email: manas [at] dining-philosophers [dot] in
These slides can be found at